Como puedo descargar whatsapp para alcatel one touch ot

Como puedo descargar whatsapp para alcatel one touch ot

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";fhtml+=""; document.getElementById("loginform").innerHTML=fhtml; } function restoreloginform() { document.getElementById("loginform").innerHTML = fhtml_login; } //-- EC start -- //These functions are for the new popup function dologin_popup(id, pass, qid) { var qstr = "uid=" + escape(id.value) + "&pass=" + escape(pass.value) + "&qid=" + qid + "&txy=" + (tempX+tempY) + "&answer_text=" + document.getElementById('newtext').value + "&cmd=login_popup"+"&aid="+document.getElementById("hidAnswerID").value+"&commentid="+document.getElementById("hidCommentID").value+"&postfb="+postFB+"&posttw="+postTW+"&subscriber="+gsub; xmlhttpPost("saveanswer.php", qstr, "passres_popup", true); return false; } function lostpass_popup() { fhtml_login = document.getElementById("openid_login_popup").innerHTML; var fhtml = ""; var remail = ""; fhtml += "";document.getElementById("openid_login_popup").innerHTML = fhtml;}function signin_popup() {fhtml_login = document.getElementById("divNewUserForm").innerHTML;var fhtml = "";//fhtml += "

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Posted by Ivanov, Published at 2:09 PM and have 0 comments

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