Facebook on the App Store on iTunes

Facebook on the App Store on iTunes


Keeping up with friends is faster than ever.
See what friends are up to
Share updates, photos and videos
Get notified when friends like and comment on your posts
Text, chat and have group conversations
Play games and use your favorite apps

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Customer Reviews

Facebook review

Today is Aug 25,13. I have been having trouble in the last month or so with crashing issues, and not being able to finish a like, comment or share, as well as not being able to finish an article I'm reading. My comments often do not appear. I started Facebook in late 2008, and I enjoyed communication with family and friends, things of interest to me, news. But what I am able to do now is quite limited.
Today's is Feb 1, 14. Facebook updates have improved it greatly. And also I've learned how to customize it for me, knowing what and what will work or not work. My best part is seeing photos of my children and grandchildren. I see them in person only every other year, as their dad, my son, is career military. I enjoy seeing my friends, get ideas for home, shopping, news about education, interests, finances, health topics, but most important is my LDS Chirch. I do much studying from their Facebook pages.

Keeps crashing

This app used to work tolerably well, but now it keeps crashing. This goes for both the iphone version and iPad version.

I have to open the iPhone app twice for it actually open because the first attempt always causes it to crash. And whenever I click on the notification alert on my phone and get sent to the corresponding post on the app, it crashes again. Then I have to go through the two-attempt app-opening ritual again and track down the post.

For the iPad version, whenever I open a shared link the app will crash forcing me to reopen the app and scroll through my entire newsfeed to find the link again. And usually when I go through my newsfeed again, new links, posts, and adds appear in places they weren't before.

Also for the iPad version, I'll be in the middle of typing a private message (PM) when the app will abruptly crash. After opening the app again, I usually find my entire message has been deleted and the PM closed so I have to find the intended recipient once more and retype the message from scratch.

The crashing is occasionally happening up to 6 times in a minute. This has got to be fixed. Please do this ASAP!

Video auto play and never updates feed

My feed very rarely updates, I can never check my notifications either. For a mobile app that's supposed to excel in convenience this app is probably one of the most inconvenient pieces of crap I've had on my phone. The videos auto play in the feedwhich lags the app or crashes it. Posting issues have still not been fixed. I'd love to be able to type a post and hit the post button and have it actually show up in the app or in Facebook period. Half the time it doesn't no matter how many times I try. I would love for my news feed to stay on most recent like I set it rather than reset itself to top stories. Get rid of the useless features and fix the real problems instead of saying there have been big fixes. No one wants automatic video playback or constant ads for that stupid messenger app when we can get to our messages already. My app always crashes and I never get notifications and the thing never refreshes. Address those issues before you bog the app down with even MORE useless functions.

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Posted by Ivanov, Published at 8:18 PM and have 0 comments

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