Grow The Easiest Garden on Earth

Grow The Easiest Garden on Earth

These days, with a growing interest in organic produce worldwide, the demand is greater than ever for high quality home grown produce. But raising a garden can be so difficult! Endless tilling, weeding, mulching, pest control, fertilizing and watering - all back breaking work that can consume hundreds of hours in a season... and not always end in a successful garden!

We live in East Texas, and we tried to garden here for years. And where we live, we have sand two hundred feet deep, half an inch of topsoil, and the last rain is usually in May. And we had a water bill of hundreds of dollars each month... and the water poured right through the sand and disappeared before the plant could use it! And we fertilized... and the water washed our fertilizer right through the sand with it! And we weeded... and the weeds came right back! And we hoed... and the ground crusted up in a matter of days!

So we realized we had to do something better. We had to keep our fertilizer where it belonged and control exactly where our water went. And we had to control everything that went into the soil so we wouldn't have weeds. In short, we had to grow in pots. But the problem with pots was they required watering every single day - sometimes more than once, in our 100+ degree summers!

So we invented our Self-Watering Gardening System. With a few basic tools, you now have the ability to grow an organic garden anywhere from sub-Saharan Africa to an apartment in New York City; YOU can have absolute control over what is in your soil, and make certain that every ounce of water you use is actually used FOR your plants!

And this system can be used to grow ANY type of plant! And it makes weeding a thing of the past! And all the work you do is at knee-level, so no more back-breaking bending over! In fact, once set up, this garden could be maintained from a wheelchair! It's that easy! Have a look at the short preview of the container garden video at left, then click HERE to see more information about our Self-Watering Container Garden system!

We are committed to taking the work and the mystery out of gardening! And save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars in grocery bills! We believe that a garden should take care of itself - and all you should have to do is plant it and pick it!

We brought this same mindset to our hydroponic garden videos. Most hydroponics systems out there are designed for massive greenhouses, or else are incredibly expensive. Most confuse you with TDS and EC tests and pH and lots of other things you really don't need to grow a productive small-scale hydroponic garden. So we simplified it. The hydroponic gardens in the videos below are complete, everything you need to know to grow a garden - yet simple and easy to follow.

The Amazing 3-D Barrel Garden!

This is our most exciting gardening idea yet - no one has ever seen our barrels that wasn't blown away by them! They are absolutely gorgeous when full of produce, and a typical 55 gallon drum can hold an amazing 72 plants in the side, plus a dozen or two on top - making it one of the cheapest and most efficient gardens anywhere!We also show you how to modify anything from a 5-gallon bucket (two dozen plants!) to a 300-gallon tank - which can hold hundreds of plants in just over a square yard! Making one of these barrels only takes 1 to 5 hours depending on your skill, and should cost only 20-50$! This can hold practically an entire garden in only one 55-gallon drum, growing lettuce, strawberries, potatoes, herbs, carrots, beets, spinach, radishes and dozens of other small plants in the sides - while the top is large enough to hold one or two large plants like tomatoes and peppers!

Click HERE to see more information, including a link to our barrel photo gallery!

Did you ever want a good quality greenhouse? Tired of hauling your wife's plants into the house each fall or tripping over them in the garage all winter? Or perhaps you want to extend your growing season, start plants several months ahead of the season, or just want to experiment with some of our hydroponic gardening systems?

Well, our Build A Better Greenhouse plans/DVD set makes it not only possible - but easy, fun, and cheap. Building a better greenhouse is something that has needed to be done for a long time. Most small greenhouses (also called hobby houses) are either outrageously expensive, or incredibly low quality - sometimes both!

But with this plans-and-DVD set you will learn how to build a better greenhouse - a professional-quality greenhouse at a price that can't be matched by anyone. Watch the video on the right and visit for more information!

We offer fully detailed plans and DVDs for each of these products giving you complete step-by-step instructions on how to build any of these in your backyard! Only a basic knowledge of tools is required to build these affordable systems yourself and we walk you through it from start to finish!

Plus, we offer tremendous discounts for buying multiple plans, and FREE shipping on multiple plans! See our online catalog by clicking here:

If you have any questions and would like to know more about the products, please

Thanks for visiting!

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Posted by Ivanov, Published at 6:34 PM and have 0 comments

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