File hosting Home

File hosting Home

'; function init() { jQuery("#dialog_auth_upload").dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 350 }); } function go(step) { $('.auth-step').addClass('hide-block'); $('#dialog_auth_'+step).removeClass('hide-block'); $('#dialog_auth_'+step+' .error-out').html(''); } function open() { var userLogin = ""; var files = $('#upload_form .input_file'); for(var i=0; i

'); $.post("/ajax/auth.php", { act: "register", email: email}, function(data){ if(data.length) { eval(' var result = ' + data); if(result.status == '0') { $('#dialog_auth_reg .error-out').html(result.error+'

'); return false; } else if(result.status == '1'){ // dialog_auth_reg go('login'); $('#dialog_auth_login input.login').attr('value', email); $('#dialog_auth_login .error-out').html('Registration is successfully completed! Password for authentication was sent to your mailbox. Copy it and paste to the field below, press button "Authorize".

'); $('#dialog_auth_login input.password').css('border', '1px solid red'); } } else { alert('Unknown error!'); return false; } } ); return false; } function login(login, password) { var login = typeof login != 'undefined' ? login : $('#dialog_auth_login input.login').attr('value'); var password = typeof password != 'undefined' ? password : $('#dialog_auth_login input.password').attr('value'); $('#dialog_auth_login .error-out').html(t.ajaxIcon+'

'); $.post("/ajax/auth.php", { act: "login", login: login, password:password}, function(data){ if(data.length) { eval(' var result = ' + data); if(result.status == '0') { $('#dialog_auth_login .error-out').html(result.error+'

'); return false; } else if(result.status == '1'){ submit(, result.partner); jQuery("#dialog_auth_upload").dialog('close'); } } else { alert('Unknown error!'); return false; } } ); return false; } $(document).ready(function(){init();}); return t; }());

  1. Click "Search" and choose the file
  2. Agree with our "rules"
  3. Click "upload" and receive your links is a totally free file hosting site. Upload and exhange Your files absolutely for free. We are not limiting speed, size or storage of files. Process of file exchange has never been that easy!

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Posted by Ivanov, Published at 10:39 PM and have 0 comments

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